Compass is an enriching ministry dedicated to mothers of children ages 0-K5. We inspire, educate and connect mothers of faith who find themselves searching for their "true north."
This fall, we are changing course a bit - to continue to serve our mom’s need to be in a faith community but also mindful of how we can meet safely during CoVID19.
Compass will meet twice per month this fall in the evenings from 7:30-9pm, outdoors on ‘the patio’ as weather permits.
For each evening we hope to rotate patio hosts. Our evenings will include time to socially distanced socializing starting at 7:30pm and at 8pm we will take time to pause and pray, reflecting on scripture or another chosen devotion fitting for the evening). We also plan to zoom in whoever cannot join us in person, but would like to pray with us.
We will ask moms to bring their own chair, and we will enjoy each other's company social distancing. Masks when outdoors is optional - but please bring one to put on if you need to use the hostess's bathroom. Individual snacks & beverages are planned to be provided.
In the event of rain we will move our evening to one of the parishes- where we will ask everyone to wear a mask. You can BYO chair - but we do have chairs there that can be pulled out.
Our dates for this fall are: Sept 1 & 15 and Oct 6 & 20
We will reassess in as needed, and again in November to plan for what course Winter Compass will take us.
There is no cost this year, but we do ask that our Mom’s preregister - so we can send out reminder emails and ask for RSVPS for each evening (to help our hostesses plan!).