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St. Monica parishioner tuition

St. Eugene parishioner tuition

General information

Confirmation Sacramental Preparation builds on the foundation that is established at Teen Nights & in Theology classes at Catholic School.  During this time of preparation, we desire our teens to grow stronger together as a Faith Community, understand their role as the Young Church, and commit to their faith in an authentic way. Formation  (September—May)

Important Dates for your Calendar

September 16th            5:00pm  Orientation at St. Monica Church

February 1-3rd              Confirmation Retreat

Confirmation Date:       TBA in September

Our Confirmation formation has 3 components:  Mass Attendance, Formation & Service

Mass Attendance | Regular Sunday Mass attendance is expected of our Teens and families. Local Sunday Mass Times: St Eugene  Sat 4:30pm; Sun 8:30am & 11:00am  St Monica Sat 5:00pm; Sun 8:00am & 10:15amSt Robert, Shorewood:…

Mass Attendance | Regular Sunday Mass attendance is expected of our Teens and families. 

Local Sunday Mass Times: 

St Eugene  Sat 4:30pm; Sun 8:30am & 11:00am  
St Monica Sat 5:00pm; Sun 8:00am & 10:15am
St Robert, Shorewood: Sun 5:30pm
Gesu Sun 11:30am, 4:00pm & 6:00pm    

Out of town?  www.masstimes.org will help you find a local Catholic Mass!

Confirmation Formation includes 12 Sunday evening sessions 5:00-6:30pm September—May and  a full weekend Confirmation retreat (February 1-3).  Confirmation is not graduation; Our Sacramental sessions are scheduled intentionally to meet a f…

Confirmation Formation includes 12 Sunday evening sessions 5:00-6:30pm September—May and  a full weekend Confirmation retreat (February 1-3).  Confirmation is not graduation; Our Sacramental sessions are scheduled intentionally to meet a few times after Confirmation so that teens can receive the Graces of the Holy Spirit at Confirmation and continue deepening their faith through fellowship & prayer, strengthening their faith roots.  

Teens are expected to serve a minimum of 10 hours before being Confirmed.   At least half of those hours must be serving your home parish.  Hours are accumulated July 1– Confirmation date.  Information for Liturgical Ministries w…

Teens are expected to serve a minimum of 10 hours before being Confirmed.   At least half of those hours must be serving your home parish.  Hours are accumulated July 1– Confirmation date.  Information for Liturgical Ministries will be provided in the beginning of the year and other parish opportunities will be updated as they arise. 

It is the responsibility of each teen to set up his/her own opportunities to serve. 

**Note: Confirmation Preparation usually takes place during grades 9, 10 & 11. Youth who miss part of any of the above components will need to make up what they missed. This means they may need to be  confirmed as a 12th grader